(905) 709-3999 referrals@simac.ca

Occupational Therapy Assessments

Occupational Therapy is a skilled approach that uses activity as a means of regaining health and function to achieve independence in all facets of daily life. It provides the claimant with essential skills to participate in home, work, family, and leisure activities at a satisfying, pre-accident level.

An Occupational Therapist evaluates how a claimant is able to perform daily routines within all environments where he/she interacts. Based on the findings of this assessment, interventions are suggested and implemented to enable the claimant to perform all tasks as independently as his injuries allow. The common goal is to enable the claimant to return to his/her pre-accident functional level.

Occupational Therapists conduct assessments in the claimant’s home to evaluate pre-accident versus post-accident abilities and their impact on daily living in the areas of self care, productivity and leisure activities. Assessments are carried out within the claimant’s physical, social and cultural environments. Goal centered activities are used, which are purposeful and meaningful to assist the claimant to regain skills in self-care, housekeeping, play and leisure pursuits and employment.

When is Occupational Therapy required?

Occupational Therapy is required for claimants of all ages, gender, culture and employment status that have suffered injuries or disability, which are impeding their ability to function at pre-injury levels.

These disorders may include:

  • Musculo-skeletal pain from soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash trauma. Neck, spine, upper and lower extremity soft tissue pain.
  • Orthopedic trauma, such as fractures, both simple and complex, often following surgery.
  • Brain and spinal injury. Mental illness such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
  • Fibromyalgia and related arthritic conditions. Cognitive and other behavioural disorders.

Early intervention is critical in providing the claims representative with a credible and objective view of the claimant’s functional status immediately after the accident and establishes the base for the claimant’s medical file in the early stages of the claim management process.

Early intervention also reduces the probability of pain focused behaviour development leading to chronicity. It focuses on a well, able model versus a disabled model.