(905) 709-3999 referrals@simac.ca

Our Surveys

Evaluee Satisfaction Survey

If you have recently undergone an independent evaluation with one of SIMAC’s medical assessors, please give us your candid feedback so that we may continue to provide service excellence.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

If you have made a referral to SIMAC for an independent evaluation with one of SIMAC’s medical assessors, please give us your candid feedback so that we may continue to provide service excellence.

Evaluator Satisfaction Survey

If you have provided independent evaluation services to SIMAC, please give us your candid feedback so that we may continue to provide service excellence.

Vendor Satisfaction Survey

If you are a vendor who provides services to SIMAC, please give us your candid feedback so that we may continue to provide service excellence.

Complaint Form

If you wish to file a formal complaint with SIMAC, you may do so by completing this form. You may also opt to contact us by telephone, or in writing via email or letter to express your concerns. Please provide as much information as possible so that we may address your concerns promptly and efficiently.